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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Time Capsule

April 14, 2009: Andy and I are going to Laughing Fox today to have the cornerstone placed at the stable. We are going to have our time capsule ready that includes this blog and other hard pictures that we have. It will be placed behind the cornerstone. We hope that the stable will not come to grief, but if it does hopefully someone will find this time capsule, find it interesting and use it to their advantage.

What is left to do:

Finish the interior of the stable
Finish restoring and hanging the interior doors at Four Flues
Finish restoring and hanging the windows and shutters
Interior painting, refinishing the floors, reworking the fireplaces, hang the banister, hang lighting, hang wall paper in the foyer, move in!!!

Thank you for visiting and hopefully following our blog!

Clarice and Andy

Restoration Stages

These photos are of various restoration stages that were taken about September,2008, just bout the time we started the project