We have finished the painting inside the house! (well,except for a second coat on the main room upstairs) Photos starting from the bottom: the kitchen with Sherwin Williams' Van Dyke Brown paint and the nearly floor to ceiling windows, the second photo is a shot taken from the kitchen through the dining room to the living room showing the Van Dyke, Antique Red of the dining room and the Santorini Blue of the living room located on the left front of the house, third is a shot of Andy and Michael in the foyer painting the shutters which will be hung on the outside front of the house...more on the shutters below, the forth photo is of Michael painting the new upstairs bedroom in Certain Peach,and the top photo is of Andy and Michael painting the guest bedroom Pressed Flower. This room is part of the original house. Andy picked out the color to go with the Davis Cabinet's Lillian Russell furniture that will go in there, he has a pretty good eye for a straight guy:)
Michael and Andy renamed all of the colors to reflect their character (they said it was to reflect the character of the farm, but I don't know)...Santorini Blue is now Williamsport Blue, Antique Red is now Tomato Soup Red, Van Dyke Brown is now Hershey Bar Chocolate, Certain Peach is Farm Raised Salmon, Pressed Flower is now Simply Mauvealous, Halcyon Green is now Old Money Green,and Rainwashed is Public Bathroom Blue, and Ivorie, is, well, Ivorie. Oh, Michael has decided that when they greet each other they are to say, "How are you?" The other responds, "Peachy King, how are you?" "Simply Mauvealous"...they're spending WAY too much time together! Michael really needs to hurry to DC!
Now about the shutters: I found these shutters in an outbuilding on the farm and the markings on them perfectly match the markings on the inside of the front window frames. They appear to have been originally made for the front windows before the smaller windows to the left and right of the front two windows were added. We do not know how old they are, but judging from the wood, weight, dryness, and the old paint, they may have very well been a part of the original house. Originally they were meant to close over the front windows. So far they have taken one coat of primer and three coats of Hunter Green paint with no real end in sight. We will hang them on the front of the house on either side of the front windows. There are two sets of them.
In the upstairs Peach painted room I had the stained glass placed. I found the stained glass with the profile of a 1920's lady in a hat a number of years ago in an antique store. I bought it because it reminded me of a photo that I had seen as a child of my paternal grandmother, Emma Bloodworth Jones in the 1920's. She, in the stained glass, now watches over the farm and is facing where the mares will live. My grandmother loved horses and I have a photo of her with her horse "Billy". He was black and of indeterminate origin; he looked like a, well actually I don't know what he looked like!...a nice guy I guess.
Next steps...
Our builder must get all of the door knobs and locks attached to the doors and make sure that all the doors close and latch. The floors are ready to be finished.
meeting with the cabinet builders in one week to finalize them! Seth Brown of Brown Cabinets has brought the vanity for the guest bath and it is so beautiful! I will photograph it, but he does not want to add the doors until the hardware comes, and of course those are on back order. maybe next week?
hope we have a toilet installed by next week early, the folks at the Williamsport Market and Deli have been great about letting me use their "facilities" Thanks, Ms. Virginia! I must get a photo of the market and the ladies who work there!
Stay tuned!
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