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Friday, July 26, 2013

It's a Bear!!!

Our newest canine addition, Bear (bet you though from the title that it was a real bear). He's almost a big as one, 90 pounds of black, curly love. He's a Newfoundland/Labrador cross. His original owner, Melissa Ivey became very allergic to him. She had owned him since he was weeks old, so the departure from him has been a difficult one for her, but his arrival here at the farm has been fun.

Bear is doing quit nicely here now. He is patient, so gets along well with my not so patient females, Duchess and Gracie. He plays well with them, likes to be inside when it's hot, sleeps on his bed beside ours, and generally takes life as it comes. He likes the horses now (not so in the beginning when Maestro charged him and it scared him half to death), and thinks they are simply very big dogs. He tries to get them to play with him, but they mostly look at him as if they are confused by his overtures, probably are.

So please welcome, Bear!

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